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This forum is for users to exchange information and discuss with other users about a TMPGEnc product.
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Pegasys Products BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ] << < Prev.   [ 358 / 985 ]   Next > >>
Classify Product Title User name Reply Last update
Question TE25 binfiles to mpeg for vcd? rainiswett 4 2004-04-02 16:23:30
Question TE25 Sound sync problems - an explanation? bobdore 7 2004-04-04 13:46:32
Question TE25 2 Sound streams only want one! marka2 5 2004-04-01 22:21:05
Question TE25 XVID DIVX to VCD (A guide) test 4 2004-04-01 22:29:31
Question TE25 help with divx conversions steve 1 2004-03-31 23:07:15
Question TE25 need to create Premeire-readable mpg from m2v Mr. M 2 2004-04-01 01:08:31
Question TE25 p3package.dll error message pete 1 2004-04-02 04:23:36
Question TE25 help ??? how do i convert divx xvid to mpeg steven 1 2004-03-31 02:02:17
Question TDA1 error: divided by 0 jack 2 2004-05-13 13:24:27
Question TE25 p3package.dll error message pete 4 2004-05-10 05:56:48
Question TE25 Convert ASF to MPG without changing size? richspk 1 2004-03-29 22:38:16
Question TE25 Need more info re converting AVI to VCD-burnable MPG jimsocal 11 2004-03-31 20:49:25

Pegasys Products BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ] << < Prev.   [ 358 / 985 ]   Next > >>
Question - TE25 - binfiles to mpeg for vcd? No.41343
rainiswett  2004-04-01 06:39:39 ( ID:jbarl8u.iyr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hello would apretiate anyones help on this I am trying to make a karaoke vcd to play on my dvd player with tmpge. I know it can be done because I did it once and now I must be missing a step somewhere because I keep getting a message cannot open or unsupported message when I try to input the bin/cdg file as the video file?

test  2004-04-01 09:32:15 ( ID:ih0d2stpmwc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You don't have a clue of what you're doing huh? Get daemon tools at, install them and try to mount this bin file. You just learned something new ;O)

ashy  2004-04-01 21:39:21 ( ID:v/6p18ugeff )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

TMPG does not accept BIN files.
You have your answer above.

rainiswett  2004-04-02 15:41:26 ( ID:jbarl8u.iyr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Thanks but I don't understand how to use daemon tools and I have made one mpg without it so there is a way to do it Is there anyone who can help me furthher?

test  2004-04-02 16:23:30 ( ID:ih0d2stpmwc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Man, haven't you heared of google? You could have been ready days ago if you searched google!! I found this in a flash:

Make it yourself easy. USE GOOGLE

Question - TE25 - Sound sync problems - an explanation? No.41335
bobdore  2004-03-31 22:54:41 ( ID:qvkpls1cgyf )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I captured 104mins of video this morning and the resultant 4GB file played on any windows player correctly. After putting it through TMPGenc however, the audio was out of sync by about 1.5 seconds by the end of the clip. It did not matter whether I used merge/cut, demultiplex/multiplex or encode the result was the same. I solved the problem by extracting the audio and time stretching it using cooledit before remuxing it in TMPGenc.

Is the following explanation feasible?

That the VHS tape I encoded the video from is rather old and has stretched. When TMPGenc gets hold of the created MPG it interprets the video as 25fps exactly but interprets the audio exactly as it comes off the tape. As the tape has stretched, there will be a difference and that's where the loss of sync comes in.

I can't think of any other explanation or solution other than modifying the audio track. Since the entire operation took about 9 hours any better solution would be welcome for next time.



bobdore  2004-04-01 20:59:56 ( ID:vbktybzctxn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I just finished capturing an hour from an old tape and downloaded VirtualDub-MPEG2 with which to check it. The result bears out my theory.

So if I have a file that is 24.7fps is it possible to convert this to 25fps (changing the bitrate along the way) and keep audio sync without using another program to change one or the other?

For some reason I can only capture at 8MB/S (any lower and the capture fails) and I have a project where I want to create a DVD of 2.5 hours (requires 4MB/S). So I want to use TMPGenc to do the conversion.

I have the feeling there is no easy answer to this. Am I right?

ashy  2004-04-01 22:11:04 ( ID:v/6p18ugeff )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I think it's unlikely a stretched tape problem, even if it is a little stretched, however your video player should compensate this and output at the correct frame rate regardless by speeding up or slowing down the rate it plays at.
All video players do this constantly even with new tapes by using an electronic feed back mechanism to maintain the correct speed.

Your capture software is probably crap. Any software that doesn't stick to the standards when set should be binned. If you set your capture software to 25 fps it should stay as 25 fps not vary.

TMPG will automatically select 25 fps as the framerate if you choose PAL therefore speeding up the frame rate and shortening the video causing A/V desync.
You must select 'Do not frame rate conversion' from the advanced options or you will experience jerky playback.

I'm afraid you will have to shrink the audio with cooledit to match the video.

bobdore  2004-04-02 09:59:14 ( ID:.srhuepxtwr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


After more tests today, shrinking the audio track doesn't seem to do the job. The 'raw' MPEG I have claims 25fps and is perfect when played through any media player it's only after it's been through TMPGenc that the audio sync is out.

I'll report back when I've learned what the problem is, but the file is 2.5GB long so TMPG takes about an hour to process each test.



bobdore  2004-04-03 17:24:51 ( ID:zgu39gncjol )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Perhaps I have another (better) explanation for bad audio sync:

Investigation proves I am capturing a number of empty frames. The capture file contains these empty frames and the resultant padding means that media player maintains audio sync when playing.

Am I right in thinking that TMPGenc will discard empty frames with the result that the resultant video becomes that much shorter and therefore more sync is lost the longer the video lasts?

If so, could TMPGenc be configured to keep the frames as they are?



David  2004-04-03 18:08:21 ( ID:/xaewswq1l. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I think that it is your capture software that is causing the problem, not TMPGEnc.

Did you try another software capture package? I have used the Ulead products to capture real time mpeg without any problems. They offer a free trial version that works for a month. If you have an ATI capture card you might what to download the latest drivers and mpeg capture software.

Those empty frames you talk about might be dropped frames from you capture program or maybe a failing VHS tape. If its the VHS tape you could try a time based corrector but thats a bit expensive. It would sit between your vcr and your capture card. If you have DV camcorder, most have a built in time based corrector. So you would plug your vcr into the camcorders inputs and capture it to the computer using firewire.

Hope this helps.

bobdore  2004-04-03 19:27:12 ( ID:mdk/tytfsog )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

At present I am only aware that the problem exists (and I note that others have had the same or a similar problem) and I'm trying to identify the cause. Once I know what the cause is and what the respective programs can and can't do I can derive a solution.

I'm not blaming any product as yet; I just need to know exactly what they do.


bobdore  2004-04-04 13:46:32 ( ID:vbktybzctxn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


The capture software is to blame. If I manually stop the capture the problem is as I have described; if I let the recording run on to a predefined time limit so that the capture software aborts the recording there are no sync problems after re-encoding the file through TMPGenc.

I shall take it up with the manufacturers of the capture software.

Thanks everyone for your help,


Question - TE25 - 2 Sound streams only want one! No.41329
marka2  2004-03-31 18:00:17 ( ID:rrsaa0cbfda )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have this old movie, divx. I downloaded it.. and its got two audio streams. english, with german dubbed over(i think) anyways.. I'd like to get rid of one stream. Will this program do it? If so, how do I go about doing it?


ashy  2004-03-31 20:37:32 ( ID:cdntbgtuvog )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You probably have English on one channel and german on the other.
You choose either channel in Virtualdub then just resave the AVI using direct stream copy.
In Virtualdub select 'Audio' then 'Full processing' then Audio>Conversion and select either left or right channel depending on the track you require and then just resave using direct stream copy for the video and audio.

marka2  2004-03-31 21:50:28 ( ID:rrsaa0cbfda )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Tried it, I did exactly what you specified.. only ran left channel and only output mode.. came out with two streams. Right Channel the same. does it work that way? or do i have to actually do the whole conversion to see if it came out right?

marka2  2004-03-31 23:16:14 ( ID:rrsaa0cbfda )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I've now got mcutter and avi-mux and i'm toying with them. I tried the splitting of the two channels didnt work. I did find two channels but they are the same. same length.. everything. Any way to split them up? or am i out of luck on this one? another thought.. maybe splitting high/low freq. seeing what happens.. haven't a clue how yet, but i'm learning.

whatever  2004-04-01 00:18:47 ( ID:l05khhr6nmw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

get (google). place it in your windowssystem32 dir and run regsvr32

ashy  2004-04-01 22:21:05 ( ID:v/6p18ugeff )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You obviously have 2 stereo channel streams, not 2 mono streams in the source.

If you load the AVI into AVImux04 it will let you extract the streams you want by unchecking the unwanted streams.

Question - TE25 - XVID DIVX to VCD (A guide) No.41324
test  2004-03-31 16:35:39 ( ID:ih0d2stpmwc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

First don't install any other codec packs other than the ffdshow decoder. this is all you need. Yes, subtitles supported. Get you latest version at

Lately I started using mainconcept mpeg encoder but the principle is the same with TMPGEnc. Don't use any filters or resize thingies from TMPGEnc. Just use TMPGEnc as a encoder (I use the MoleVCD 2.6 templates, look them up with google)

After installing ffdshow click in you start menu ffdshow -> Configuration. First select Tray -> turn on all switches. Then Postprocessing -> Presets MAX.
Then Select Blur and Noise Reduction (NR) -> Gradual Denoise (40)

Now select resize and Aspect -> 352x288 for PAL.

Now we have to save these settings. Select Image Settings -> new -> from selected. rename -> PAL.

Now select resize and Aspect -> 320x240 for NTSC.

Now we have to save these settings. Select Image Settings -> new -> from selected. rename -> NTSC.

For TMPGEnc 2.5 the color space should be 24 bit RGB. Select the Codecs (or Output in later versions) and only leave RGB24 on.

Open the movie you want to convert in TMPGENC and select Preview. The ffdshow icon should appear in the system tray. Select the PAL or NTSC profile.

Good luck.

Hendrik - The Netherlands

ashy  2004-03-31 17:09:27 ( ID:cdntbgtuvog )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

That's all fine and dandy, but those settings aren't ideal for every movie.

For a start maximum post processing is overkill and using noise reduction may not be necessary.
With good clean sources such as DVD rips not many optimizations are required as they can infact reduce the image quality not improve it.
Enabling to many optimizations will only slow things down and if they are not required then there is no point.

test  2004-03-31 21:39:49 ( ID:l05khhr6nmw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

That may be right. Find out the best settings yourself. It´s the method of conversion I try to point out here. Just want it to share with you guys here.
Now I´m into it you must give the audio filter a try. It can handle AAC and AC3 among others. Check the Mixer box and select your desired audio output. I haven´t tried it with TMPGEnc.

And: don´t forget to give the directshow a higher prio in TMPGEnc. Else it won´t work.


test  2004-03-31 21:58:12 ( ID:l05khhr6nmw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

That may be right. Find out the best settings yourself. It´s the method of conversion I try to point out here. Just want it to share with you guys here.
Now I´m into it you must give the audio filter a try. It can handle AAC and AC3 among others. Check the Mixer box and select your desired audio output. I haven´t tried it with TMPGEnc.

And: don´t forget to give the directshow a higher prio in TMPGEnc. Else it won´t work.


ashy  2004-04-01 22:29:31 ( ID:v/6p18ugeff )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

It's not recommended to use the audio filter as yet in FFDSHOW as it is buggy and has some problems.
I have been using FFDSHOW and TMPG for a long time. I find FFDSHOW an excellant filter which usually works better than the actual codecs themselves and I have been recommending it here for a while now.

It is constantly updated and very rarely causes problems. In fact it solves many XVID problems with TMPG. It also fixes the latest problems with the new RC3 XVID codec which people have been having problems with such as jerky playback due to the new way it handles bitstreams.
The latest version is available here:

Question - TE25 - help with divx conversions No.41322
steve  2004-03-31 13:21:20 ( ID:eo3aljutoxk )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

help tryed every way possible to convert divx to vcd but no joy tried ripping audio off with virtdub then re-encoding with wav(dont work)still out of sink
tryed every frame rate 29.9 non work tryed dvd2vcd tnpegencplus
all my codecs are installed
the original avi file has a vbr
so i did what it say rip the audio to wav use tmpeg input video then the audio wav set the load to vcd ntsc burn still no good sound out of sync

so i thourt its the avi file corrupt ???? no i downloaded 6 movies final destination 2 matrix 2 pluse more ever file after conversion is out of sync
some wok ok ate the start then go off sync towards end then outher go off sync all togeter

why in hell dont divx tell you how to do this proply
tryed all the avi to mpeg converters still the same
tryed procoder still the same
tryed tmpegenc free still the same
tryed avi to vcd still the same
tryed easy x video convertor still the same
tryed dr divx still same

what do i do

i start tmpeg
project wizard chosen ntsc film (23.97)
video file chosen o/r avi file
audio file chosen wav i ripped via virtudub
video type non interlace

bobdore  2004-03-31 23:07:15 ( ID:qvkpls1cgyf )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Using virtual dub, check the file information. Then using video/frame rate check to see whether you have incompatible video and audio lengths. Check that the frame rate is the same as you will get after running it through TMPGenc (i.e. 25fps or 29.97fps)

If the AVI frame rate is not the same as TMPGenc is going to produce, your sound will end up out of sync. If TMPGenc changes the frame rate then the video will play back at a different speed but it does not alter the audio.

To correct this, you will need to either change the rate of the audio of video track. The audio track can be changed with cooledit, the only program I know of which will change the video frame rate without losing sync is winvideo - which is a Windows 3.1 product and has been obsolete for years but is a very good product and I still use it - I'm not sure if it will work with DivX files.


Question - TE25 - need to create Premeire-readable mpg from m2v No.41319
Mr. M  2004-03-31 01:22:22 ( ID:wmzp8o61tq6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have used TMPGEnc, along with a few other programs, to rip .m2v files from a DVD, for use in making anime music videos. However, when I attempt to use the files in Adobe Premiere 6.0, I'm told that it's not a file type that the program can use. This happens even when I rename the .m2v files to .mpg. I would appreciate any help that you can give me, so that I can make these .m2v files into a file that Premiere can read. I can give more in-depth information about what programs I've used and other specifications if necessary. Thank you.

Mr. M

ashy  2004-03-31 02:33:43 ( ID:qtd366km8cr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I believe 6.5 and higher will allow you to import MPEG2.

You may also just need an MPEG2 codec installed.
The moonlight MPEG2 codec is supposedly to work.

If that doesn't work you can always use DVD2AVI to produce a project file and then import that into the VFAPI converter to create a dummy AVI.

Mr. M  2004-04-01 01:08:31 ( ID:wmzp8o61tq6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Thank you very much, Ashy! The plugin worked perfectly, and now I can finally get to work. I appreciate your quick and very accurate answer. Thank you again!

Question - TE25 - p3package.dll error message No.41317
pete  2004-03-30 22:21:42 ( ID:ghtydagmpof )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Just tried converting PAL AVI to NTSC Mpeg2 file, but just keep getting this message
can't load "P3Package.dll"
Any Ideas<<

Thanks...Pete, New Zealand

David  2004-04-02 04:23:36 ( ID:/xaewswq1l. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

"Any Ideas<<"

Yes, use the search.

Question - TE25 - help ??? how do i convert divx xvid to mpeg No.41315
steven  2004-03-30 22:04:11 ( ID:eo3aljutoxk )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

i downloaded a movie from internet gpot syas its a xvid 943kb/s fps 23.97

audio in gspot says this
0x0055(MP3) ID'd as MPEG-1 Layer 3

--> {Fraunhofer IIS MPEG Layer-3 Codec (advanced)}
--> {Fraunhofer IIS MPEG Layer-3 Codec (professional)}

bite rate 129 kb/s (64/ch, stereo) VB
f/s 48000 Hz

the problem is i tryed every guide for tmpgenc non seen to work the audio is out of sync to the video

at the start of the movie the audio is fine the part way though it gose off sync bye about 3 sec i tryed ripping the audio decompressing it then saving it to wav exacly how the guide say locate avi(xvid) file the the audio file i ripped (wav)start it off conversion compleate's play the move smae again works ok for part movie the starts to go off sync please someone tell me what to do

ashy  2004-03-31 02:02:17 ( ID:qtd366km8cr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Your AVI has corrupt frames.
You can try using Virtualdub to scan for bad frames and fix them, but don't hold out much luck.

The only way to deal with it is to cut just after the point where it goes out of sync then resync it with Virtualdub. After that join the 2 pieces together.

Question - TDA1 - error: divided by 0 No.49108
jack  2004-03-30 19:07:43 ( ID:btl/ueazfrn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I tried to combine 10 mpeg-1 files into one DVD, after author conver all mpeg1 file, then it gave the error: "divided by 0". All mpeg1 files are stardard NTSC format. What does this error mean?



Lawrence  2004-05-13 13:23:04 ( ID:aq9ao1pclk2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I had this problem using the ac-3 plug-in. You have to convert your mpg-audio to wav (PCM). Then the problem won't occour.

Lawrence  2004-05-13 13:24:27 ( ID:aq9ao1pclk2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

By the way: to author a dvd you have to use MPEG-2 video files. I don't think you can use mpeg-1 files!!

Question - TE25 - p3package.dll error message No.41310
pete  2004-03-30 07:01:46 ( ID:ghtydagmpof )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Just tried converting PAL AVI to NTSC Mpeg2 file, but just keep getting this message
can't load "P3Package.dll"
Any Ideas<<

Thanks...Pete, New Zealand

ashy  2004-03-30 16:08:17 ( ID:qtd366km8cr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Read this post.

ashy  2004-03-30 16:10:15 ( ID:qtd366km8cr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Forget that. Read the second post below this.

pete  2004-03-31 00:36:29 ( ID:ghtydagmpof )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Thanks Ashy.... It works fine now....when we installed the programme, we dragged the tmpgenc programme icon onto the desktop...obviously a no no


ccromeo  2004-05-10 05:56:48 ( ID:3w1h8qh28rh )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

what message...i cant see it.

i need help on this problem too

Question - TE25 - Convert ASF to MPG without changing size? No.41308
richspk  Home )  2004-03-29 19:30:25 ( ID:0bp64zdasbc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

My camera outputs MPEG4 (fourcc is mp4s) .asf files. I want to convert them to mpeg 1 or 2 files so I can edit them in most widely available programs. I figured out how to do this with TMPGEnc, but it changes the format to suit VCDs or DVDs. I don't want to change the size or frame rate or anything. How do I set up TMPGEnc to change codecs, but not touch the video format?

Also, can TMPGEnc rotate the video while it re-encodes it?

-- Rich

ashy  2004-03-29 22:38:16 ( ID:qtd366km8cr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You need to unlock the settings first.
Click the load button in the main window then navigate to the 'Extra' folder in the templates folder. Inside double click the 'unlock.mcf'
This will unlock all settings.

Why don't you just convert the AVI to a regular MPEG 4 AVI.
It doesn't make sense to convert to MPEG1 or MPEG2 as they are not designed to be edited. If you do you may have GOP layer editing problems.

Virtualdub_ASF can strip the ASF container leaving just an MS MPEG4 AVI which any AVI editing program, such as Virtualdub itself (which is probably the best AVI editor), can open as long as the MS MPEG4 codec is installed.

Or you can use ASFtools to convert to AVI.

Question - TE25 - Need more info re converting AVI to VCD-burnable MPG No.41296
jimsocal  2004-03-28 08:51:01 ( ID:nmjhosrxqwm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Okay, I finally got the program to convert an avi to an mpg.

BUT, it converted it without audio! What happened to the audio?

AND, it turned the 350mb file, which would fit on a cd-r, into a 1.6gig file which will not fit on a cd-r.

So how do I convert a 350MB avi file into an under-700mb mpg which I can make into a vcd?

Also: when I tried to use TMPGEnc to edit the 350MB AVI file into 2 smaller files, before converting it to MPG, I get this message: "Invalid Pointer Operation" after I set an in and out point for the edit.

THEN, when I try to convert the edited file, I get some kind of message about how the edited file is not compatible. However, I do not get these messages if I do not edit the AVI.


ashy  2004-03-28 10:35:59 ( ID:ba9uhyhh3jl )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You may need an AC3 codec.
This one works with TMPG:
The output size depends on the length of the movie not it's size.
VCD encodes at a rate of 10 MB/min which would mean your movie is over 2 hours long.
This does seem a lot though for such a small sized source file.
If your movie is not over 2 hours long post back here and I'll tell you how to fix it.

jimsocal  2004-03-29 05:38:27 ( ID:ax50gifwrec )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Thanks for the link to the codec.
No, the length of my original avi is only between 50-60 minutes, yet it's giving me over 1gig in the (audio-less) mpg.
As to the no audio problem, someone told me that I need to strip the audio from the avi using something like virtualdub first, then import that back into EMPGEnc before converting to mpg.
Is that correct?

ashy  2004-03-29 18:42:51 ( ID:qtd366km8cr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

If your movie is only 50-60 mins long and you are indeed encoding to MPEG1 VCD and not MPEG2 then it should be about 600MB.
Check to make sure that there is no blank video in the output file. TMPG sometimes has a habit of encoding blank video with somw AVI's, doubling or even trebling the size.
What does the wizard state as the final output size?

As for the audio ir isn't necessary to extract it to a wav unless you really have to.
The problems usually happens with AC3 or VBR MP3 audio.
Both can be solved by having the right codecs and raising the priority of the 'Directshow file reader' to 2 in the VFAPI plugins.

jimsocal  2004-03-29 19:46:07 ( ID:tncvygzwfu. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

1) Yes, there is 1 and 1/2-2 hours or so of blank video in the converted file, it just sits there on the last frame after the 55 min or so of program material. So how do I get rid of that extra video? (Cannot edit the file with TMPGEnc; see below)

2)You say the audio problem can be solved by having the right codecs:
Which ones are the right ones and how do I get them and install them? When I use gspot to look at the avi file it says the file uses the Ligos MPEG Audio Decoder codec. I downloaded the audio codec you suggested and that doesn't seem to help. I also downloaded a divx package someone else suggested, and neither is helping this situation.

3) When I tried to raise the priority of the Direct Show file reader, I get the message "The File Cannot Be Loaded".

Further info as to what is happening:
When I open the AVI file in TMPGEnc and go through the wizard, and try to make an edit (say, just the opening credits) so I can experiment with just a segment of the video/audio, as sson as I choose the start and end point and then go to the next step I get an error message "Invalid Pointer Operation".

Then, when I click that off and try to start the encoding, I get the error message "File [xyz] cannot open or unsupported."

However, the same file HAS, in previous attempts, if I don't attempt to EDIT it, encoded, and made the above super-long MPG with no audible audio.

I say no AUDIBLE audio because the gspot examination shows that the resulting converted mpg does have the Ligos MPG audio codec. Someone told me if I went ahead and burned the vcd I'd hear the audio when I play it on my dvd player. However I cannot test this theory since I cannot get the resulting mpg file edited down to a burnable length.

Please advise.

Thanks for helping me sort this out!

ashy  2004-03-29 22:23:55 ( ID:qtd366km8cr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Whoever told you that last part doesn't know what they were talking about as they are talking B...shit.
The LIGOS MPEG codec is just an MP2 audio codec.
There WILL be MPEG2 audio in the output however it will be just silence because TMPG was unable to decode the audio in the source movie.

Your problem is a common one. It usually happens with XVID movies.
This is the procedure to solve it.
First of all download FFDSHOW and install it.

Then as I said before go into the VFAPI plugins. Click Options>Enviromental settings>VFAPI plugin and raise the priority of the 'Directshow file reader' to 2. To do this you must right click on the name itself.

Now your file should load fine and the wizard should give you the correct size of your output file.

Do a test encode and check for audio.
If there is still no audio then download the proggy below and install it.
Right click the source AVI movie then from the context menu select 'AVI codec: detailed info' then copy and paste the audio info here.

ashy  2004-03-29 22:43:57 ( ID:qtd366km8cr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Sorry forgot the link for AVIcodec:

jimsocal  2004-03-29 23:20:11 ( ID:hqdrfc0evsr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

>Your problem is a common one. It usually happens with XVID movies.
Yes, it is an XVID movie.

>This is the procedure to solve it.
>First of all download FFDSHOW and install it.
Did that.

>Then as I said before go into the VFAPI plugins. Click Options>Enviromental settings>VFAPI plugin and raise the priority of the 'Directshow file reader' to 2. To do this you must right click on the name itself.
Did that.

>Now your file should load fine and the wizard should give you the correct size of your output file.
>Do a test encode and check for audio.

There seems to be audio, now, I see an audio graph where there used to be nothing... But...

Once I edit the avi to just the opening credits so I can do a test, it now no longer gives me the "invalid pointer operation" error, which is good, and I choose my start and end time and "cut except currently selected area", and then click OK and then Next and then I am on the final window where it says "specify output file name" and I click on Ok and that says "Doesn't exist -do you want to create?" and I say OK...

THAT'S WHEN I GET THIS ERROR MESSAGE (a new one, at least):
"Can't load P3Package.dll".

I seem so close to getting this to work; but NOW WHAT?

Thanks for getting me this far, and I hope you can take me the rest of the way!

jimsocal  2004-03-30 12:13:40 ( ID:hqdrfc0evsr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Okay, I found the help file on this, so am going to see if it works. For anyone else who might find this thread and need the same solution, here is the link to the help file on P3Package dll:
I'll post back here if this thing will FINALLY burn my xvid file after this fix!

ashy  2004-03-30 16:06:57 ( ID:qtd366km8cr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You must make sure you run the TMPGenc.exe from the unzipped folder. It requires all the files to be extracted from the ZIP folder.

zener  2004-03-31 19:44:59 ( ID:zv0ukfwukgk )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

That procedure worked really well for me. I had used virtual dub to save the VBR encoded audio as a wav and then tried to convert the avi to mpg using the wav as the audio source. This didnt work well at all and the sound was off by as much as a couple seconds. Im not exactly sure what I just did installing the ffdshow and raising that priority level. Was it a decoder? Why was it necessary raise the priority? Just curious, thx for any help on the subject. Thx again for the advice it really helped.

ashy  2004-03-31 20:49:25 ( ID:cdntbgtuvog )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

FFDSHOW is an general AVI decoder, usually better than the original codecs themselves. It is open source and continually being improved and solves many problems with AVI's. If you lok at the configuration settings you will also find it is much more than JUST a decoder. It has many useful filters also.

FFDSHOW is particularly efficient at decoding uncompressed AVI and can make playback of these AVI's much smoother on less powerful sytems.

As for priority settings in TMPG. This is simply just the way TMPG handles installed codecs by giving codecs higher in the list priority for decoding than those lower in the list.
It prevents other codecs from interfering with the ones you use most.

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